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Community Buildings

Information about community buildings

The Parish Council and Chester-le-Street Area Action Partnership supports, but does not own, our local community building and its shared resources.

Ouston Community Centre is located on Iris Crescent in Ouston and offers a variety of activities and clubs for all ages.

Please help us support Ouston Community Centre so it can remain a thriving hub of the village.

Click on the link to find more information about Ouston Community Association or to contact them, email or call 0191 410 5183.

Ouston Community Centre’s goal is to provide a Community Resource Centre for the people of Ouston through which individuals of all ages, and community groups, will have access to meeting spaces, advice, information and guidance, educational, social and leisure opportunities.

Our general aim is to provide a range of activities, community services and meeting spaces for the local community.  We also hire the facilities at reasonable costs for celebrations and family occasions when requested and when space is available.

Ouston Community Association was formed in April 1973 to meet the needs of the local community.  The organisation was a charity for many years and changed its status to become a Charitable Company in 2009.

The organisation is managed by a Board of Directors elected annually at our AGM from the local community and we are always interested in talking to anyone who may be interested in putting their name forward for selection at the AGM.

The Board currently comprises six individuals with a diverse range of skills and backgrounds.  All Board members are from the local community and as such have a feel for the organisation.

The original funding came from the local community raised through events such as the ‘Buy a Brick’ campaign and from Durham County Council.

The organisation owns the building and land attached on a peppercorn rent from the council.  Each year we have to raise the money required for the management and maintenance of the building and for the staff required to ensure the smooth running of the centre.  This money comes from hiring the facilities to community groups and from any grants we are able to attract.

Each year we need to find within the region of £50,000 to fund our centre and the cost would be much higher if it were not for the work of a dedicated team of volunteers who provide invaluable support to the centre.  We would like to encourage more people to consider giving some of their time to help us with our work.

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